TenHagen Quartett

TenHagen Quartett

TenHagen Quartett

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“Indians are either
on the warpath or
they smoke the peace pipe. Siblings can do
both at the same time.”

Kurt Tucholsky

Press material

Biography abridged version

The TenHagen Quartet is something really special in the classical music scene: It consists of four siblings. Successful and award-winning individually they fascinate as a quartet through their unique communication, great passion and a wonderfully nuanced sound. Numerous concerts have already led them to the important musical centers of Germany and many other countries. In 2011, the Münchner Merkur wrote: “The ensemble created an interpretation of highest standard. Thus, they inevitably pulled the listener into the music.” The encounter of four different musical personalities from one single family, the incomparable interplay of individuality and unity make their concerts unique, captivating and unforgettable.


Download biography abridged version





Biography TenHagen Quartet






Individual biographies

Kathrin ten Hagen Download



Leonie ten Hagen Download



Borge ten Hagen Download



Malte ten Hagen Download






High-quality images:


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